Where Do You Want To Go?

As a Student Success Coach, I have asked thousands of students to think about where they would like to go to college, and having been asked this question by everyone they know for the past year, this topic is often all they can think about.

However, very few students I work with know where they want to attend right away, and most aren't even sure where they want to apply. This leads to feeling stuck, and in being stuck, they stop looking for answers. 

So how does one move forward? It's a big question.

No two students are alike, and no two situations ever feel the same. For traditional and nontraditional students alike, this is a huge decision, and it's a first for everyone.

Given this challenge, I am going to present a few techniques that I have used over the years to help students help themselves...

In the coming weeks, I am going to delve into five areas that can be focused on in order to help students keep moving:

  1. Understanding Why

  2. Building a Vision

  3. Doing Your Homework

  4. Putting Yourself In Control

  5. Making a choice

My goal is to break the decision making process into small and manageable pieces. When taken all at once, this choice can feel impossible, but when broken down into just a few key components, anyone can feel ready to decide.
