Success Coaching - High School to College


Success Coaching - High School to College

from $30.00
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Thanks so much for considering my services as a Success Coach.

Why Do I Need A Success Coach?

Navigating the transition from High School to College is difficult, and neither institution is prepared to support your individual needs as you make the leap.

There are lots of questions that need to be answered, but first you might need some help just to figure out what exactly you should be asking. A highly skilled Success Coach will not only help you uncover the right questions, but also help you come to right answers.

Knowing you have made a thoughtful decision about where you want to go to college, and why, will make your experience that much more successful.

Why Should I Choose You?

I have worked with over 3,000 students and parents who were in exactly your position. My 6 years working for InsideTrack, the world's premier Success Coaching organization, allowed me to master the skill of success coaching and gave me unique insight into the student experience. A lot has changed over the last few years, and I can help bridge the gaps between student, college and parent.

By the time students, and sometimes parents, are done working with me, they usually have a clear sense of where their path will take them as they are getting ready to leave high school. Additionally, those students who work with me all the from high school through their Freshmen year are more prepared and have a more fulfilling first year than students who don't have this resource at their fingertips.

What Do I Get?

It varies from student to student, but the coaching relationship always begins with a preliminary consultation call. Coaching is not for everyone. Some students don't need it, and some simply don't want it. I can't coach an unwilling participant effectively.

However, if the consultation reveals that coaching will improve the student experience then the coaching regimen is fully customizable. Most of my coaching is done over the phone or over video chat. I typically meet with a student monthly, but weekly is not uncommon. Depending on the time of year, that can change rapidly.

I also make myself available for questions and support over social media and email.

It's up to the student and parent to decide how long the coaching will go on for. It may be that there is a particular goal in mind that a coach can support or it may be a long-term coaching relationship that carries on throughout a student's Freshmen year. 

Different students prefer different levels of support, and am happy to support their varying needs.